The Recreational Mariner's Guide

5. Appendix

Boatyards and Boat Storage Facilities

Rules and regulations regarding wintering a boat in Norway

Though there are literally hundreds of small marinas and boat clubs dotted throughout Norway, we have focused mainly on commercial enterprises that are used to working with foreign boats and with sailboats.

Though most of the boatyard websites are in Norwegian only, look for “Kontakt” to access their contact information.

The list starts at the Swedish border and follows the coast to the west and to the north. 

Vol. 2

Østfold Marineservice AS

Located in a bay NW on Grimsøya in the approaches to Skjebergkilen on the E side of Oslofjorden.

  • 59°08.6’ N, 11°10.9’ E
  • Storage outside or indoors
  • 50’/30-tonne lift out capacity
  • Onsite boat repair with MK Båt
  • Onsite rigger 

Skjæløy Slipp

This is a boatyard on the E coast of Oslofjorden, 1.5 nm N of Engelsvika.

  • 59°16.3’ N, 10°44.26’ E
  • Storage ashore or in the water (forced air system)
  • 49’/25 tonnes lift out capacity


Located in Oslo Harbour, this marina is home to the Kongelig Norsk Seilforening (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club). They usually have room in the water over the winter.

  • 63°07.1’ N, 07°44.1’ E
  • Storage afloat (air bubble system)

Aker Brygge

Located in Oslo Harbour, this marina houses Norway’s largest winter liveaboard community. Though expensive, its central location provides access to all the benefits of downtown city living. There is not much street noise in winter. There is a sturdy wave breaker and reportedly very good security. They are very popular and so you will need to enquire early to get a winter berth here.

  • 59°54.45’ N, 10°43.5’ E
  • Storage afloat

Holmen Yachtværft

Located in a suburb W of Oslo, Holmen Yachtværft is an old boatyard that still builds wooden boats. The yard and waterfront is a listed site with the Directorate for Cultural Heritage. Their central location is a plus but they are reputedly rather expensive.

  • 59°51.7’ N, 10°46.2’ E
  • Storage ashore or afloat
  • Full-service yard
  • 60’/30-tonne lift out capacity

Holmen Slipp

Located near Holmen Yachtværft, listed above.

  • 59°51.38’ N, 10°29.68’ E
  • Storage ashore for up to 450 boats, mostly under cover
  • Full-service yard
  • 17-tonne lift out capacity

Bærum Plast

Located in a suburb of Oslo. Though they don’t offer winter storage in the usual sense, they are included here as they have vast experience with the repair of fibreglass yachts, full osmosis treatment included. If the season has been rough on your boat, they may be the people to contact.

  • 59°51.41’ N, 10°29.62’ E

Asker Marina

This is a large marina located in a suburb W of Oslo, .5 nm SW of Leangbukta.

  • 59°50.2’ N, 10°28.5’ E
  • Storage afloat (forced air system) or indoors (cold or heated shed)
  • Onsite rigger for lowering mast

Hero Marin

Located in the old quarry at Storesand on the W side of Drøbaksundet. 

  • 59°39.5’ N, 10°36.1’ E
  • Winter storage ashore in heated or cold shed
  • Onsite rigger for lowering mast
  • Able to undertake a wide range of maintenance work

Vallø Marina

Located in Valløbukta, E of Tønsberg. This is one of the biggest marina complexes in Oslofjorden. As it is not a full-service boatyard, owners power wash their own boats, though equipment is supplied.

  • 59°15.5’ N, 10°29’ E
  • Storage ashore, the marina allows mast in
  • Engine and fibreglass repairs and Volvo Penta dealer

Mågerø Marina AS

Located SE of Tønsberg. 

  • 59°09.3’ N, 10°25.9’ E
  • Full-service yard
  • Storage afloat and ashore (up to 40′)
  • 14-tonne lift out capacity
  • Sailmaker
  • Wide range of repairs carried out

Wector Yachting

Located N on Skjerkøya, in the approaches to Porsgrunn. This yard caters for boats in excess of 60’ in length. This is a full-service boatyard with many years of experience catering to foreign boats in winter storage. It comes warmly recommended by several users of this Guide.

  • 59°03.5’ N, 09°38.2’ E
  • Storage ashore, inside heated and outside
  • 100-tonne, 120-feet lift out capacity
  • Most repairs undertaken

Stavanger Båtverksted, Hundvåg

Located just outside Stavanger. While primarily a boat repair facility, they may be able to organize winter storage.

  • 58°59.1’ N, 05°43.5’ E
  • Storage ashore inside/outside
  • 50-tonne/65′ lift out capacity
  • Full-service yard
  • Yanmar and Volvo Penta dealers

Åmøy Havn

Located just north of Stavanger, this is an impeccably maintained full-service boatyard along with a marina. We have received good reports regarding the quality of work completed here.

  • 59°02.4’ N, 05°42.1’ E
  • 50-ton and 75-ton travellifts
  • Can handle boats up to 80′
  • Storage ashore, either outdoor or heated indoor
  • Will allow boats stored ashore to keep mast in
  • Rigger on site
  • Chandlery

Norheimsund Marina

This is a marina with pontoons in scenic surroundings. There are live-aboards and foreign boats regularly winter here. The staff are enthusiastic and friendly.

  • 60°22.1’ N, 06°09.4’ E
  • Storage afloat as ice is rare here
  • Volvo Penta and Yanmar dealer

Vol. 3

Askøy Seilforening

Located at Kaggevikane, SW on Askøya, by the conspicuous industrial plant at Vardøya. The harbour has a large pontoon system. May welcome wintering foreign yachts ashore or afloat if there is a vacant pontoon berth.

  • 60°27.07’ N, 05°06.36’ E
  • 10-tonne lifting capacity

Florevika Gjestebrygge

This is a large pontoon system in Florø town centre that will accomodate boats for a winter berth. Harbourmaster will want you to have a local caretaker. Though located on a windy part of the coast, the inner harbour is considered safe. They offer long-term contracts between Oct 1st and May 15th.

  • 61°36.07’ N, 05°01.7’ E
  • Storage afloat
  • Tel.: +(47) 90 71 61 61 (Florø parkering)/ 91 31 80 00 (harbourmaster commercial harbour)

Ulsteinvik Marina

Their experience is mainly with motorboats. If offered storage ashore with the mast up, pay special attention to how sheltered your location is and how secure the cradle is. While they offer indoor storage, you will need to take the mast down and there is no rigger available locally. Most local sailboats winter in the water with the mast up.

  • 62°20.63’ N, 05°50.55’ E
  • Storage ashore or afloat
  • 80’/50-tonne lift out capacity
  • Chandlery

Aspevågen Marina

Located in an old shipyard in Ålesund centre.

  • 62°28.05’ N, 06°07.07’ E
  • Storage ashore with mast up
  • 32 tonnes lift out capacity

Skarsvåg Boats

Located at Knarrlagsund, Fjellværsøya, on Hitra

  • 63°15’ N, 09°02’ E
  • Indoor and outdoor storage, but only outdoor storage for sailboats
  • 35 tonnes, 5 m max beam lift out capacity

Kuringvågen Marina

This is a very well-sheltered pontoon system run by Åfjordbåten Kystlag, near Harsvika.

  • 64°02.4’ N, 10°03.7’ E
  • Storage ashore with mast up
  • There are no organized winter berths for foreign boats so careful research and a local contact will be required before leaving your boat here unattended
  • Tel: +(47) 48 22 33 68

Nygårdsjøen Marina

Located 13 nm S of Bodø, in Ertenvågosen. An American wintered his large sailboat here twice and gives them top marks.

  • 67°07.24’ N, 14°18.6’ E
  • Full-service yard
  • Indoor and outdoor storage
  • 47 tonnes lift out capacity

Bodø Havn

Bodø Port Authority administers the inner harbour visitors’ berths and welcomes long-stay boats. Berths are cheaper here than the inner harbour berths at Tromsø.

  • 67°17.3’ N, 14°22.9’ E
  • Storage afloat

Nordnorsk Marinesenter

Located N in Bodø harbour.

  • 67°17.3’ N, 14°22.9’ E
  • Carry out hull and engine repairs
  • Rigger available, Bodø Rigg og Seil 
  • 50 tonnes, 6.3 m max beam lift out capacity
  • Limited storage available so early booking required

Vol. 4

Olderhamna Båthavn

Well-protected mole harbour located E of Finnsnes. Foreign yachts regularly winter here, although places may be harder to get as available berths are sold to locals. 

  • 69°13.8’ N, 17°58.4’ E
  • Storage afloat with mast up

Tromsø Havn

They welcome wintering boats. They do not allow liveaboards, though staying aboard for short periods is okay. Best to discuss your plans with the harbour office and confirm the duration of the winter rates, so that you don’t suddenly start getting charged the ordinary harbour dues in the spring.

  • 69°39’ N, 18°57.8’ E
  • Afloat on the city centre pontoon system

Skattøra Marina

Located about 5 kms N of Tromsø city centre. Infrequent bus service into the city centre. Visiting boats regularly winter here.

  • 69°41.7’ N, 19°01.1’ E
  • Storage ashore with the mast up as there is no local rigger
  • Pontoon berths are private but a berth may be available to rent
  • Diesel mechanic and fibreglass repairs undertaken